The Carolyn House
Completed in February 2012, the "Carolyn House" is the first home for children constructed on Hidden Treasures property just outside of San José, Costa Rica. The home represents a significant milestone for Hidden Treasure's founders Enrique and Charlyn Mejia.
The home, which will serve as the central house and office for the site, is the first of five homes planned for construction. Each home will have house parents who will model time-honored family life to orphaned and displaced children. Enrique and Charlyn Mejia serve as the first house parents on site at the "Carolyn House." Making its completion possible were those who generously funded the effort and the many mission teams from the United States who traveled to help build.

The home is named after Carolyn Simpson (pictured below), Charlyn's mother who was one of Hidden Treasure's greatest encouragers and advocates. Carolyn carried the vision of Hidden Treasures alongside Charlyn and Enrique. There was no better model of a devoted mother and believer in family. Hidden Treasures is forever grateful for the love and support she gave.

With the completion of this first home on Hidden Treasures land, Daniela Mejia, one of the first children to come into Hidden Treasures care when it was just begining, wanted to share what it meant for her to join her new home and family.
Dear Friends,
I remember when I was a little girl, I always dreamed of living in a home with a happy and loving family. I remember that my house then wasn't a nice place. It wasn't clean, although I tried, sweeping our dirt floors morning and night. Our house was made of old pieces of a tin roof that had been nailed together to make the walls. My siblings and I had to share a room and we had to go outside to the bathroom. It was a very small house.
God is so amazing and loving that is hard to put into words how amazing He is! Some of you might know a little bit of my story before I got to my parents' house. I had a difficult childhood, where I hardly saw my birth mom. I had a lot of responsibilities because I was the oldest of five children, and I took care of the other children from a very young age. I did all that because I love my siblings and I wanted the best for them. I thought as a mom, not as a little girl.
I really did not know what being in a real family meant, but I prayed for something different. I was only nine years old when I arrived at my new parents' home. I found peace, joy, happiness, love and all the things you can imagine. I felt like a kid in a candy store. I was so happy!
When I got into their house, I couldn't stop looking around. It was so beautiful to me. It had a floor, windows, kitchen, bedrooms...I thought it was a different world. I remember my first night there; I couldn't sleep because I was so excited. I had my siblings with me and I knew I didn't have to be afraid anymore. God had answered my prayers. I knew my life had changed.
I started to understand how to live as a girl and not as a mother; that sounds weird to say that, but it was true. I remember when my mom told me: "Daniela, you need to be the child. I’m your mom and I will take care of you and your siblings." Those words really touched my heart. It was a long process for me to learn to live in a family and learn to be a child. They even bought me my very first doll; instead of taking care of real babies, I could just enjoy being a little girl.
God blessed me with amazing parents who were there for me in all times. I saw God's hand and amazing love for me and my siblings. He had a different life for us, a different plan for each of us. I can see my parents love for us unconditionally, just like God loves us unconditionally as well. I like when people tell me how much I am like my mom, the way she loves others and her sweet spirit. I think it means that I've learned from her and my dad. I want to help others.
Now God has blessed all of us with a new home and we can't wait for other kids to come and let them feel what a home is like and what is to have a family. We want to share our love with them and teach them about God's love.
I know God has a plan at just the right time. I pray for all those kids around the world who need a family. I also pray that I can be a testimony of God's love to others. He is God. Nothing is impossible for Him. I prayed since I was little and I remember in God's Word where it says "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these." He listened to me and gave me that beautiful gift, a home and a family.
I want to give special thanks from all my family to all the people who have been there for us through prayers and support. May God bless each of you and your families for helping this ministry mean so much to the children touched by it.
Under His Wings,