Yorleny came to live with us when she was just four years old. Yorleny has always been a very smart sweet girl. Despite all the troubles and difficulties she had as a young child, she has always excelled in school and been a head of her class.

From a very young age Yorleny loved the Lord. She was always the first one to raise her hand and ask a question in our family bible studies. She has trusted and leaned on Him through all of the trials in her life.
Yorleny and her little brother, Alex, lived with us for almost three years. They were taken out of our home and lived in an orphanage run by nuns. This was a very hard time for us all but thankfully we were able to remain connected with her.
After their biological mother was able to get on her feet they were able to live with her again. Because of challenges and difficulties she faced, Yorleny and Alex came back in our home for a season. We've formed a relationship with their mother and over the years have tried to be a support to her. Yorleny currently lives with her mother who is now married.
We are so proud of her as she continues to excel in school and has become very involved with the youth group at her church. She loves working with children and wants to be a pediatrician. She loves talking with young people about the Lord and her testimony.
We are pleased that Yorleny has made the Lord number 1 in her life. Yorleny regularly talks with Enrique and looks to him for guidance and support. She was always a Daddy's girl and loves him dearly. She continues to visit us often and is a real joy!